Kofer kapaciteta za jednu integralnu kacigu.Novi koncept u svijetu kofera. Press-lock sistem osigurava poveæanu sigurnost i komfor. SH29 idealan je izbor za Vaš skuter najnovije generacije. Ploča za montažu uključena.
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Kofer kapaciteta za jednu integralnu kacigu.Novi koncept u svijetu kofera. Press-lock sistem osigurava poveæanu sigurnost i komfor. SH29 idealan je izbor za Vaš skuter najnovije generacije. Ploča za montažu uključena.
SHAD presents a large capacity Top case to store up to 2 full face helmets available in a wide range of colours.
With the highest capacity (it holds two big full face helmets plus kit) and the minimum weight (37kg) for comfy riding that cuts down on support and chassis vibrations.
With the highest capacity (it holds two big full face helmets plus kit) and the minimum weight (37kg) for comfy riding that cuts down on support and chassis vibrations.
Quad front case.Ideal case for the front side of ATV and the rear of quads equipped with a rack. Ideal for excursions.